Hard Drive Destruction Los Angeles

For more than 22 years, 我们一直致力于提供最安全、最环保的硬件回收服务. 我们通过协助客户处理旧物品,使他们能够专注于扩大业务, obsolete, end-of-life computers and e-waste.

我们的硬盘粉碎或多次数据擦除服务使用NIST 800-88标准进行. 所有的资产标签和贴纸在销毁之前从硬件上移除,以消除任何未来刑事或民事诉讼的可能性.

We Collect the Following Hardware:

  • Obsolete, End-of-Life, Nonworking IT Hardware
  • End-of-Lease IT Hardware From Leasing Companies
  • E-Waste From Government Departments and Nationwide Businesses
Hard Drive with Stethoscope - IT Services Graphic

How Does Hard Drive Destruction Happen?

Hard drive destruction involves the destruction of the storage units. 硬盘驱动器和存储方法通常存储大量数据供用户私人使用,或为不同应用程序的所有者提供公共服务, for example. This type of data can include sensitive information such as passwords, financial records, credit card details, contact information, addresses, pictures, and other sensitive information. 

盗用你身份的窃贼和潜伏在互联网上的犯罪分子越来越多地以这些信息为目标. Thus, protecting data storage systems is critical. 如果您需要处理您的设备或将您的计算机出售给其他人或电子商店, remove and erase every piece of information on your hard drive. 如果你需要帮助,我们可以帮助你在洛杉矶销毁硬盘.

Process for Our Hard Drive Destruction Services

我们在提供电子产品移除服务方面经验丰富,很乐意帮助您收集这些旧物品. 让我们帮助您编译资产清单、卸载硬件、修复和重新部署资产. Our team assesses the residual value of your equipment, 之后,这些物品将通过各种渠道重新销售或捐赠.

我们的商店接受大量来自企业的报废电子产品进行回收. Through our recycling services, 我们帮助客户解决环境问题,同时最大限度地减少他们的碳足迹.

If you require our expertise, call us today!

What if my Hard Drive was Backed Up?

即使您保存了以前的文件,您的硬件操作系统也会重新收集以前记录的数据. Because of this, if you accidentally remove a file or piece of information, your work can always be recoverable by utilizing the undo option. 需要注意的一件重要的事情是,已经更改或删除的最重要的项目在硬盘驱动器上是部分可恢复的. The same rule still applies if you try to delete data from a desktop, mobile device, or laptop hard drive all at once. 

However, 即使这个覆盖过程只发生几百次甚至几千次, 仍然可以使用先进的数据恢复技术来恢复原始数据. 黑客和数据恢复方面的专家可以获得完成这一任务所需的资源和技能. Therefore, 让我们的团队在洛杉矶销毁硬盘格式化或者清除存储设备上的数据是不够的. 如果您的硬件和您的信息受到损害,您的关键信息可能处于危险之中, data, and valuable stored data are in possession of someone else, especially if they intend to exploit or misuse your details.

What Does Physical Hard Drive Destruction Entail?

First, 必须使驱动器框内的磁盘功能失调,以破坏硬盘驱动器技术. You must first find this component to destroy the data and function. Once this has been accomplished, hard drive destruction is just a question of whether it is repairable. 有多种破坏性方法可以使数据无法恢复.

旧的硬盘驱动器或固态存储设备将通过可靠的硬盘驱动器销毁服务使用各种程序进行销毁. 他们也可能提供回收和处理电脑硬盘的专门服务. 而其他硬盘驱动器销毁服务将采用不同的技术,如碎纸机, shears, crushers, melting, 并分解处理你的硬盘和它所包含的数据, 我们来这里是为了确保你的硬盘在洛杉矶得到妥善处理.


Other Methods of Destroying Hard Drives

Here are Some Other Means of Hard Drive Disposal:

  1. One of the most effective ways to destroy a hard drive is with a shredder. 它包括将硬盘通过碎纸机分解成更小的碎片. Hard drives use platters to store data; as a result, chopping up the platter. 当前在驱动器或盘片上的任何数据将与设备本身一起被销毁. It will render the industry useless. 一些碎纸机还将粉碎的材料压缩成紧凑的形式进行处理. Unfortunately, killing a hard drive yourself is not a good idea. 
  2. 水力剪板机是一种对不同厚度的金属板施加剪切力的机械,同时保持足够的叶片间隙以打破并将板划分为所需的尺寸. Consequently, it is ideal for wiping off your hard disks. 剪切机是一种锻压设备,其主要用途是对金属进行加工.
  3. Shredding can be an excellent choice for destroying your hard drive. With crushers, 硬盘驱动器被推过机器,受到如此强大的打击,它破坏了保护实际硬盘驱动器的腔室.
  4. Another technique for destroying hard drives is melting. This is one of the riskiest methods for eliminating hard drives, but it is also one of the most effective. Because it uses acid, it is dangerous. 在这个过程中,硝酸和盐酸被特别使用. 这两种酸对环境和几乎任何与它们接触的东西都是有害的. 因为它涉及人体皮肤,你必须戴上必要的防护装备来处理它.
  5. 组织经常倾向于使用分解作为从硬盘驱动器中擦除敏感数据的技术之一. Hard drives are broken up into tiny bits using a disintegrator, a conveyor system machine, and a knife. Not even highly skilled hackers will be able to.
  6. 水力剪切机是一种特殊类型的设备,它为不同厚度的金属板提供剪切力. 它保留了足够的叶片间隙,以打破和分离成所需的尺寸板.
  7. Shredding or crushers are both great options for erasing your hard disk. When using crushers, the hard drive is forced through the device, 它的冲击力足以击破装硬盘的腔体.

Contact California Computer for Hard Drive Destruction Services